How do you compete with the electronic bombardment facing your clients and prospects and get your email to stand out?

Like most people, financial advisors send and receive emails constantly. It may be to (or from) an associate, a client, or a prospect. Those people are busy sending their own emails as well as receiving a slew of others every single day.

Creating an attention-grabbing subject line is a critical first step to getting your contact to open up your email. A creative subject line that will not only capture your reader’s attention but also make them curious enough about the content of your message to want to open and read it.

This is not only important in your regular interaction with clients but also essential when it comes to lead nurturing in your marketing campaigns. If you are not sure what this is or why it’s important, you can see my article, What is Lead Nurturing, or start at the beginning of the series, Marketing Funnels for Financial Advisors.

Email reaches potential clients, gets your information in front of them and builds the important “know, like, and trust” factor.


Ten proven subject lines and phrases.


“How can I help?”

There is a misconception that financial professionals are viewed as salespeople. In reality, they are advisors who help people with their financial lives. So, why not address that in the subject line of your email? People want to feel as though you are offering them help for something they need and are there because you have a genuine desire to make their stressful lives a little easier. By using this subject line you are letting your client or prospect know that you’re not trying to sell them on something but instead want to provide a service that can help them.


“I really enjoyed…”

Who doesn’t love a compliment every now and then? Using the subject line to pay your client or prospect a compliment not only lifts their mood, but also makes them more likely to open the email and respond to your message. Be as specific as you can when using this approach, but always be professional and appropriate.


“I’d like to get your thoughts on…”

The task asked of your client should be simple, such as asking their opinion on a short blog or to providing an answer to a quick question. This can be especially effective because it lets your client or prospect know that their thoughts matter and are important to you. It is also a great way to keep the conversation going and solicits future responses.



This one simple word can have quite an impact as a subject line because it creates a sense of urgency. Your client or prospect will feel that there is a quickly approaching deadline that may need their attention today.


“Any questions, [name]?”

While it is never a good idea to use your own name in a subject line, I recommend using your recipient’s name. People enjoy seeing and hearing their own name, and using it in a subject line can be a great way to get their attention and a response in return. Also, this subject line lets your recipient know you’re available to help them.


“[Mutual connection] mentioned you to me…”

By referencing the name of a mutual connection you are far more likely to get your reader’s attention as well as a response. People feel more connected to you instantly if they can associate you with a trusted friend.


“Will you be attending [event]?”

Asking someone if they will be attending a certain event not only allows you to inform them about something they may not have previously known, but it also gives you an opportunity to know who might be going ahead of time so you can be prepared to meet them there.


“Saw this and thought of you”

Sometimes it is nice and beneficial to send an email with some helpful information, a relevant article, or just something enlightening to let the person know you are thinking of them. People don’t always want to be hassled with an email that requires action on their part.


“What would happen if…”

By using this subject line you are alerting your client or prospect to a potential unforeseen problem or solution. The curiosity of what it could be will inspire them to want to open your message and can be a great way to prompt them to respond with feedback of their own.


“Congratulations on…”

Bringing attention to promotions, job changes and other noteworthy events that happen in your clients’ lives is a highly effective way to spark reciprocated communication and have your email stand out among the many that they receive.


There are endless ways to be creative and develop an inspiring email subject line that will grab your reader’s attention. Keep the focus on providing help to your clients and always be honest about the content of your message. Nothing breaks trust and leaves a bad taste in someone’s mouth like opening an email and realizing that it has nothing to do with what it said it did.

By following these simple tips, your emails will get read and you will be surprised by the response and return you get for your efforts.

If you want some help crafting your own creative subject lines in your next email marketing campaign feel free to reach out and see how Crystal Marketing Solutions can get you started.

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About Crystal

Crystal Lee Butler, MBA is the owner of Crystal Marketing Solutions, a full-service marketing agency dedicated to working specifically with independent financial advisors. Since 2011, she’s helped financial advisors cut through the noise to attract ideal clients and grow their businesses using proven strategies that we use with our clients every day. As your “Chief Marketing Officer,” our goal is to help you grow your business and put time back on your calendar so that you can focus on what you do best: serving your clients.

This website is marketing advertising and does not establish a client relationship, which is only formed when you have signed an engagement agreement. We do not guarantee results and past results do not guarantee future results.

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